+33 6 65 50 66 90

Tandem Flights

What is a tandem flight ?

We will meet up right next to the landing field. Then we will drive together to the takeoff in our 4x4. On launch, your pilot will prepare the tandem paraglider and fit you with a harness. After a short briefing you will be ready to fly. A few steps forward followed by a short run and you are in the sky. You will then enjoy a unique panorama and the feeling of flying. If the conditions allow it, you may to pilot the paraglider. Coming into land you will need to take a few steps.

All the instructors are FFVL certified.

The different possible tandem flights :

LocationElevation or duration of the flightPrice
Saint Pierre130m
(≈ 2min flight)
Butte de l'Aigle560m
(≈ 10min flight)
Clos du ciel760m
(≈ 15min flight)
Long flight40mn minimum

Payment by cash.

(*) price from 5 people

New : How to choose the right flight ?

Which flight to choose ?

Saint Pierre 130m 40€

«The little flight»

Flight time about 2 minutes.
Time required (drive to take-off, briefing, fitting of equipment, flight and debriefing) approximately 30 minutes.
This flight usually takes place in the morning from 9 am.


  • A small flight which is less impressive than a flight starting from a higher launch.
  • Accompanying persons can easily come to take-off to follow the flight from launch to landing. Access by a motorable road. Perfect view of the landing zone.
  • The time required is short (30 minutes) and the short flight can cater to a large group of participants over a morning. For example 3 pilots can fly 20 participants in a morning.
  • This site is well protected from the weather because it is not very high and the possibilities of making this flight are quite significant.


  • Fairly short flight time that makes you want to fly again.

Jeux d'Ailes Tips

This flight is perfect for children and lightweights or for the less adventurous.

Butte de l'aigle 560m 80€

«The classic»

A flight time of about 10 minutes.
Time of the service (climb to take-off, briefing, installation of equipment, flight and debriefing) approximately 1 hour.
This flight is carried out all morning. We try to fly the lightest passengers in the early morning.


A flight time that allows you to walk in the air and quietly enjoy the landscape.
The conditions encountered in the morning very often allow the paraglider to be piloted by the passenger.
The takeoff is located at 1000m altitude and is still well protected from the meteorological wind, the possibilities of making this flight are good.
The flight is preceded by a climb in a 4x4 on a steep and very steep path which greatly contributes to the adventure of the flight. Guaranteed sensations.


A slightly more impressive take-off than the flight from Saint Pierre... but it's so beautiful.
Located higher than the Saint Pierre takeoff, it is more sensitive to aerological conditions.
A 4x4 climb which does not allow accompanying persons to come to take-off (this is sometimes possible if we still have places in the vehicle and if the organization allows it).
Also makes you want to start over or worse to want to do an initiation course to fly alone.

Jeux d'Ailes advice

A nice flight with a magnificent view at takeoff.
It offers the best chance of achievement and flight time ratio.
The climb in 4x4 greatly contributes to the adventure.

Clos du ciel 750m 100€

«les 3 becs»

Flight time: 15-20 minutes.
Time of the service (climb to take-off, briefing, installation of equipment, flight and debriefing) approximately 2 hours.
This flight is carried out in the evening (from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. depending on the season) and exceptionally at the end of the morning.


Access to take-off by road (Vallée de la Roanne then by the villages of Rimon and Savel) and a small stretch of very passable road. Companions can follow us easily to enjoy the magnificent view. Sometimes we have a few places available in our minibus. If conditions permit, the passenger can take control of the paraglider.


The takeoff is the highest, it is the most exposed to the weather wind and does not always allow to be carried out if the wind is too strong or in the wrong direction (South). To increase the chances of success of this flight try to make yourself available during the week.
We only rotate for this flight with 1 to 4 passengers depending on the monitors available.
Possible addiction and big smile in flight.

Jeux d'Ailes advice

Magnificent flight which often allows to see vultures. The view is grand.
The flight time is often well over 15 minutes but it will obviously depend on the air conditions. Without guarantee.
As stated in the cons, the best things often take a bit of patience to come true. Good availability on your part (during the week) makes it easier to find good conditions for this flight.

Long flight 40 minutes 140€

«The Longest Flight»

Time of the service (climb to take-off, briefing, installation of equipment, flight and debriefing) approximately 2 and a half hours.
This flight is performed in the evening from takeoff from “Clos du Ciel” and exceptionally at the end of the morning from takeoff from “Butte de l'Aigle”.


The time spent in the air is substantial. We can walk for a long time in the sky and sometimes come across vultures or see critters frolicking below (wild boars, deer, chamois).


As with the “Clos du Ciel” flight, this flight requires very good conditions to be carried out.

Jeux d'Ailes advice

Being available will be key for this flight. As stated in the cons, the best things often take a bit of patience to come true. Good availability on your part (during the week) makes it easier to find good conditions for this flight.
A substantial flight time that frequently exceeds 40 minutes if the conditions are perfect, your instructor is in great shape (be nice to him) and you want to.

To easily choose

You are cautious

Maybe start with the small flight of «Saint Pierre»

You are a whole group wanting to fly

A small group : «Butte de l'Aigle»
A large group : «Saint Pierre»

You want to be sure to fly

Choose a morning flight : «Saint Pierre» or «Butte de l'Aigle»

You want a long flight

Then choose an evening flight : «Clos du Ciel» or «Vol de durée»

You want the best flight in the world

Take an stage d'initiation paragliding course.
This flight will be your flight. So definitely the most beautiful.

You want to go diving

Uh, it's not there. Type “scuba diving” on google.

I don't know, I didn't understand, it's not clear

Call us ! (anyway you will have to call us to make an appointment...)

Frequently Asked Questions

Weight limits for a tandem flight ?

  • from 30kg
  • up to 90kg. And in this case it will take conditions with a little wind to facilitate take-off.
What should be planned?
  • arrive in good physical shape
  • correct footwear for running in rough terrain
  • bring a smile, warm clothes, windbreaker (gloves if necessary)
How does a flight take place?
Time and place of the meeting?
  • The time and place of the meeting are defined according to the type of flight and especially the weather. This is why we ask you to call us back the night before (between 7 and 8 p.m.).
  • In the town of Aurel, the appointment for the flights is at the Saint Pierre chapel. Go to the village of Aurel then follow the small 'paragliding' signs which take you 300m further towards the chapel of Saint Pierre.
  • Drive slowly through the village. There is a small car park next to the chapel. Please park on the opposite side of the chapel wall.
  • Note: We can sometimes be a little late if the winds force us to wait a little while taking off. We may be in the air just above you.
  • The landing is very close to the car park: follow the small path that starts from the bottom of the car park. There is a big windsock on the edge of the field. Be careful not to trample the fields.
Warning :
  • Sometimes we fly to Luc-en-Diois.
  • For the discovery days: The appointment is in Vercheny on the square opposite the Café de la Clairette.

+33 6 65 50 66 90 info@jeuxdailes.com